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The Value of Planning

September 9, 2021

In our hectic and busy lives, we usually find difficulties reflecting on our day-to-day tasks.
However, if we take time to stop and think about our present and our future, to make
thoughtful and conscious decisions on what we really want for our professional and
personal lives, the outcomes can improve substantially. Planning is important. As it is
popularly said: a goal without a plan is just a wish.
Being a member of the NANDA-I Board of Directors entails the responsibility of visioning
and reflecting on what is best for the growth and development of a particular area of
leadership (DDC, informatics, research, etc.), which, at the same time, will positively impact
the Association and also the Nursing profession.
As Secretary-Treasurer of the NANDA-I Association, and as a member of the Executive and
Financial Committee, I am responsible for ensuring, in cooperation with the rest of the
Board, the design and planning of a budget that will help to execute the different strategic
objectives that have been thoughtfully designed. The planning and implementation of a
budget is relevant, as it seeks to promote the synergy and complementarity between the
Association’s objectives and their final implementation.
In the past year, the Association moved a huge step by implementing a big project, which
was its new website. There is more to come in a few months. I am really excited about the
upcoming projects’ implementation and the relevance that they will have for our
Association, and profession, in terms of visibility and outreach. Meanwhile, please, let us
know any ideas/proposals that might be interesting to incorporate in the Association plans!

Best wishes,

Miriam Rodriguez-Monforte, Secretary/Treasurer, NANDA International