Welcome to NANDA International

Improving Communication & Standardizing Global Nursing Language

Welcome to NANDA International

Providing the World’s Leading Nursing Diagnoses for Use in Practice

Welcome to NANDA International

Contributing to Clinical Practice & Patient Safety Around The World

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"Interested in learning more about the 13th edition of our NANDA-I textbook before purchasing a copy? We invite you to read this article:nanda.org/2024/05/order-your-13th-edition-of-our-definitions-and-classifications-textbook/"Image: The 13th edition of Nursing Diagnoses is now available! ... See MoreSee Less
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You are invited to add your research to the NANDA International Research Registry! This is our international database of researchers committed to researching NANDA-I nursing diagnoses, facilitating networking, and identifying expertise.All NANDA-I members are encouraged to submit their work: nanda.org/research-registry/Image: Add your research to our registry ... See MoreSee Less
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Do you want to be a part of a supportive, growing community of nursing professionals? Join NANDA-I today!For more information on how you can add your voice to our transformational community, click here: nanda.org/product-category/memberships/Image: NANDA-I Needs You! ... See MoreSee Less
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Save the date! Our NANDA-I Conference: Transformative Nursing: Knowledge in Motion, Synergy in Practice will take place in Lisbon, June 3-6, 2025.Will you be there?Image: Will we see you in June 2025? ... See MoreSee Less
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Dr. Suellen Emidio
NANDA-I / Boston College Gordon Scholar | Brazil
Dr. Rita de Cassia Gengo e Silva Butcher
NANDA-I / Boston College Gordon Scholar | Brazil / USA
Luca Bertocchi L'Aquila
NANDA-I / Boston College Gordon Scholar | Italy
Chinma Adereti
NANDA-I / Boston College Gordon Scholar | Nigeria, Africa

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Do your part in contributing to positive patient outcomes throughout the world. Click here to join.

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Advance your career through work through committees designed to improve clinical decision making.
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Being a NANDA-I member gives me the opportunity to network and build relationships with other like-minded professionals as well as mentors.
Stella Chinma Adereti
Nigeria, Africa
For me to be a NANDA-I member means to have a unique opportunity to contribute in nursing visibility at national and international level.
Luca Bertocchi
L’Aquila, Italy
As a member of NANDA-I, I have learned and shared experiences with my peers, which brought relevant contributions to my clinical practice, teaching, and research.
Rita de Cassia Gengo e Silva Butcher
San Paulo Brazil and Florida
Being part of NANDA-I means being in touch with the core of nursing: the ability to make assertive clinical decisions based on the best scientific evidence.
Suellen Emilio
San Paulo, Brazil
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