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NANDA-I Research Registry Now LIVE. Join us!

March 3, 2022

We are introducing the NANDA-I R2 and inviting you to join us.

What is the NANDA-I R2?
The NANDA International Research Registry (NANDA-I R2) is an international database of
researchers that have completed, are in process with, or plan to conduct research concerning
NANDA-I nursing diagnoses, regardless of the type of method, country, clinical setting, or
population. NANDA-I R2 aims to map international researchers and organizations that are
committed to the research of NANDA-I nursing diagnoses, facilitating networking and
identifying expertise.

What is the purpose of NANDA-I R2?
NANDA-I R2 aims at mapping international researchers and organizations that are committed
to the research of NANDA-I nursing diagnoses, facilitating networking and identifying

Who could register for NANDA-I R2?
Nurses, researchers that have completed, are in process with, or plan to conduct research
concerning NANDA-I nursing diagnoses.

Is there any cost for registration for NANDA-I R2?
The registration is free.

How do I register for NANDA-I R2?
Please find the “Publications & Resources” tab located on NANDA-I’s official website. Please click “NANDA-I Research Registry” under “Resources”. You can also access by clicking the link provided below.

Is NANDA-I R2 mandatory?
The registration is not mandatory.
Why should I register for NANDA-I R2?

When you fill the registry, you will have the opportunity to be listed as a researcher on
NANDA-I. All visitors will be able to find you, your research and location.

To access the registry, please click here:

By: Sílvia Caldeira
Director of the Research Committee, NANDA International

Categorized in: Research

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