What Are the Key Components of Nursing Knowledge?
Our NANDA-I Board of Directors recently attended the 2022 Nursing Knowledge: Big Data Science Conference at the University of Minnesota, United States. Please read Dr. Laura Rossi’s blog for more information on this event.
One presentation, shared as a panel discussion, was all about the use of artificial intelligence to replace nursing. Some of the discussion was a bit “tongue in cheek”, suggesting that robots would replace everything that nurses do. But in all seriousness, have you stopped to think about how many things nurses do that could be done by somebody else or by technology? And what would that mean?
For example, if we were to give up distributing medications or giving injections to technology, how much time would that free up in your day to actually develop relationships with your patients? Could you go further in terms of assessing their human responses?
Of course, nurses will always need to be responsible for monitoring medication use and determining how medications are improving (or not improving) a patient’s condition. But does it really take a person to hand a pill to a patient? How could our time be better spent, such as investigating the patient’s condition?
It’s interesting to contemplate if technology could improve the patient experience and improve our ability to identify human responses and our clinical reasoning at the bedside.
What do you think?