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New Working Group on Taxonomy

January 19, 2024

“Taxonomy” could be referred to as a file cabinet, systematization, categorization, or arrangement. Simply put, taxonomy is a system of naming, describing, and classifying related things. 

We recently wrote about the Axes in NANDA-I taxonomy. Today’s blog continues this series. 

About NANDA-I Taxonomy

Within NANDA-I, our taxonomy provides a way for naming, describing, and classifying clinical judgments about human responses to actual or potential health problems or life processes, or a vulnerability for that response. 

“Taxonomies help humans classify objects according to similarities and differences, and thus enable researchers and practitioners to describe, understand, and analyze phenomena of interest” (Nickerson et al., 2013).

Our Taxonomy II is now more than 20 years old. As we review it, we see that classes remain with no diagnoses within them; other diagnoses could be slotted in more than one domain and/or class. This brings us to stop and take account of our current work, and consider if it continues to meet our needs.

How You Can Get Involved

We have decided to establish a working group to consider the taxonomy. The following articles are part of the material that will be reviewed in this task force. These are a good review for all of us, whether or not you would like to be involved in the committee.

(1) Review these articles

(2) Join the task force

If you are interested in working on the Taxonomy Task Force, please contact Dr. Heather Herdman at

Categorized in: General, Informatics, NANDA Foundation, Research


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