

Mitra Zandi, BScN, MScN, Ph.D, Post Doc. in Nursing


  • Promote official recognition of nursing diagnoses (culture making) by holding interactive sessions; holding conferences; holding conventions for directors of nursing, university presidents, and deans; holding ideation competitions for nursing diagnoses; producing training materials; producing educational posters; and designing a website, platforms, and social media, for publicity within the professional NANDA-I network. 
  • Conduct needs assessment and review of thesis and other works
  • Adopt effective teaching methods for nursing diagnoses using focal points
  • Reform policy making in education



(1) Exploring measures to set up a NANDA-I network 

(2) Making preparations for a network setup including membership by ten eligible persons as regular NANDA -I members 

(3) Holding several online and in-person meetings (three to date) for decisionmaking and future measures 

(4) Compiling and translating meeting documentation such as meeting minutes to include in the annual reports to NANDA-I 

(5) Participating at the introductory meeting of the Chief Executive Officer of NANDA-I and completing the application form as mentioned at the meeting

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