
The Nominations Committee will solicit nominations from the membership for the officers and voting members of the Board of Directors, chairpersons of Bylaws committee members, and Nominations committee members; accept nomination applications and other required documents; and review qualifications as established in the Association’s policies. Upon completion of the nomination process, the Nominations Committee will prepare the ballot and work with the Program Assistant of the Association to conduct voting. Upon completion of voting, the Chairperson will request a report of the voting results from the Program Assistant and will present the results of the vote to the Board of Directors and then to General Assembly

Dr. Hortensia Casteneda-Hidalgo, Chair

Dr. Catherine Cuccheti

Dr. Rita Gengo, FNI

Dr. Dolores Eunice Hernandez

Dr. Ana Fletes

Submit a Nomination

Please give details below of the skills & experience of yourself / the nominee and indicate why you feel you / this individual could successfully fill this position. (No more than 250 words.)
0 of 250 max words

Maximum file size: 67.11MB

Maximum file size: 67.11MB

I confirm I have gained the nominee’s consent for their name and details to go forward: