NANDA-I Research Registry

Risk for bleeding

submitted by Amália de Fátima Lucena | Brazil
Academic Degree
Adult pressure injury, Frail elderly syndrome, Neonatal pressure injury, Risk for bleeding, Risk for elopement attempt, Risk for shock, Risk for thrombosis
Areas of Interest
Acute care, Informatics, Research
PINTO, LUCIANA RAMOS CORRÊA ; DE OLIVEIRA AZZOLIN, KARINA ; DE FÁTIMA LUCENA, AMÁLIA ; MORETTI, MIRIANE MELO SILVEIRA ; HAAS, JAQUELINE SANGIOGO ; MORAES, RAFAEL BARBERENA ; FRIEDMAN, GILBERTO . Septic Shock: Clinical Indicators And Implications To Critical Patient Care. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING, v. 1, p. 1, 2021. - Lucena AF; OLIVEIRA, M.C. ; FLORES, F. S. ; BARBOSA, F. M. ; FUJII, C. D. C. ; RABELO-SILVA, E. R. . Evaluation of percutaneous renal biopsy complications based on outcomes and indicators of the Nursing Outcomes Classification. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, v. 29, p. e3415, 2021.- BAVARESCO, T. ; Lucena, AF . Low-laser light therapy in venous ulcer healing: a randomized clinical trial. REBEN - REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ENFERMAGEM, v. 75, p. 1-7, 2022. - ARGENTA, C. ; ZANATTA, E. A. ; ADAMY, E.K. ; LUCENA, A. F. . Nursing outcomes and interventions associated with the nursing diagnoses: Risk for or actual frail elderly syndrome. International Journal of Nursing Knowledge, v. 33, p. 1, 2022.. - MANTOVANI, VANESSA MONTEIRO ; ALITI, GRAZIELLA BADIN ; Lucena, Amália de Fátima ; RABELO-SILVA, ENEIDA REJANE . Trombose: análise de conceito como subsídio teórico para qualificar a prática clínica de enfermeiros. ONLINE BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF NURSING, v. 21, p. 1-11, 2022. -