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Get Involved in a NANDA-I Task Force!

June 29, 2023

As you know, the nomination period for positions on the NANDA-I Board of Directors has closed, and the results of those nominations will be announced at the conference in Boston, in June. This marks a pivotal moment in our organization, as we welcome new leadership and chart the course for the future. 

However, playing a part in this exciting journey is not limited to board members. In fact, now is the perfect time for you to consider how you might participate in the upcoming session of the new Board of Directors!

In order to achieve our goals and continue advancing our mission, we will be recruiting NANDA-I members for task forces related to four key areas: (1) education and clinical innovation, (2) research, (3) diagnosis development and review, and (4) informatics. Each of these task forces will be instrumental in defining NANDA-I’s direction and actions over the next two years, and your expertise and involvement can make a significant difference.

If you have a passion for any of these areas, or if you feel that you have the skills and knowledge to contribute, now is the time to raise your hand and make yourself heard. To express your interest in participating in any of the task forces, please contact Dr. Herdman at

Why get involved? Joining a task force not only enables you to have a direct impact on the industry’s future but also provides an opportunity to work alongside fellow professionals who are equally committed to the growth and improvement of our organization. It is an excellent chance to network, collaborate, and learn from one another, all while shaping the future of NANDA-I.

As we embark on this new two-year cycle, we recognize that there is much to be accomplished. We need dedicated individuals like you to join our efforts and help us bring NANDA-I to new heights. Whether you are an experienced professional or a newcomer eager to contribute, your participation is welcomed. Don’t hesitate to seize this chance to make a real difference; we hope that you will join us!

Categorized in: Board Highlights, General, Member Resources, NANDA Foundation, NANDA-I Conference

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