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Two New NANDA-I Board Members Announced

July 10, 2023

In case you missed our 50th-anniversary conference in Boston last month, we announced the new board member election results. We are proud to introduce the two new, highly qualified women who have been chosen to help lead our organization into the future.

Dr. Hortensia Castañeda-Hidalgo, PhD, MSN, M. Ed., BSN, our new President-Elect, is from Tampico, Mexico. We also welcome our new Director of Education and Clinical Innovation, Dr. Anamaria Alves Napoleão, PhD, RN, from São Carlos, Brazil. Both of these women bring a wealth of experience, expertise, and new ideas to their roles on the board. 

While we celebrate these two new board members, we must also bid farewell to two valued members of our board. Carme Espinosa i Fresnedo, MSc, BSN, and Susan Gallagher-Lepak, PhD, RN, have made valuable contributions to our organization, and we will miss their presence. We thank them for their dedication and service!

Both Dr. Castañeda-Hidalgo and Dr. Napoleão attended their first board meeting the day after the conference, and have already started making strategic plans alongside the rest of the board. With their help, we know the future of NANDA-I is very bright. 
Join us in extending a warm welcome to Dr. Castañeda-Hidalgo and Dr. Napoleão as they embark on their new roles on the NANDA-I Board of Directors. Dr. Napoleão is also recruiting members for her committee, so please let her know if you have interest in participating. We encourage you to reach out to them directly if you have any questions. Dr. Castañeda-Hidalgo can be contacted at, while Dr. Napoleão can be reached at

Categorized in: Board Highlights, Conference Highlights, NANDA Foundation, NANDA-I Conference

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